Friday 17 December 2010

Review page research

Review Page Research

Before I started planning my review page I looked at 3 reviews from existing films, similar to our own movie. The review page is what most people use as feedback so that they can determine whether or not the film is worth seeing. A review page must be flawless with a tidy layout including image(s), contrasting colours and attractive font. I have looked at a variety of review pages, all of which are unique in their own way. These three posters are from various timescales and each one has the appeal factor which attracts its audience. The three reviews I chose are from "Avatar" as the most recent "I am legend" and "Lady in the water" being the oldest. By analysing these review pages I can gain an understand of what makes there review page look so appealing.


Straight away we are immediately attracted by the large use of images from the film. The A3 spread is dominated by images which are arranged in a linear manner with a border around the images. The review page consists of one large image, a smaller adjacent image and a series of smaller images along the bottom. Furthermore the images give the audience a sense of the genre of the film.
The colours shown on the review page work really well with one another, the black background with the white coloured text has been planned deliberately as the two colours contrasts really well as the white text stands out over the black background. The reason they have used those colours is because the images are so big, overruling the review page and demanding attention that they need to distract the audience so that they read the review. 
The text boxes overlap on to the image. The text used is of a consistent font and size apart from the title of the film which is in a larger font. The text is also in the same colour throughout the article and contrasts well with its chosen background colour.    
Lady in the water

On this review page the layout is totally different to that of Avatar. This layout is rather simple whereas Avatar was more complicated, however both review pages work well individually.
Lady in the water contains another large image taken from the movie as well as one smaller adjacent image. Again like Avatar the images don't overlap.

In terms of colour, this review page doesn't include any striking colours which grab your attention. But the layout does deter you from the images towards the paragraphs of the review at the bottom of the page. But the reason to why the images stand out so much is because the colour of font and size are so dull and small.

The text again is of the same font through out the article except for the title. As a result the title stands out from the text. Unlike the Avatar review this article has highlighted a quote from the text by changing its colour and font size. In addition small amounts of text have been added to the top hand right corner of the images to explain what they are showing.

I am legend

This review shares a large majority of similarities as the previous two articles. The main difference in this review is that the main image chosen isn't a still image from the film. Instead they have chosen an image which shows the making of the film.

The layout looks very smart and professional. The big image is certainly the most eye-catching and appealing as it covers the majority of the page. The review page looks very busy with the image showing the production of a set, however the layout, use of text and colour really make the review look unique and appealing.
Like Avatar the text overlaps onto the image. I am legend like Lady in the water, have both highlighted quotes from the text by changing its colour and font size. In addition small amounts of text have been added onto the image to explain what they are showing.

The masthead isn't the biggest compared to the image but because the remainding text is so small, it draws attention to itself without the need of a big/bold and colourful masthead.       
Once again there aren't any great colours which really catch your eye but similar to Lady in the water the layout of the review page does deter you from the image towards the text as they are tightly compacted together. However the black coloured text is clearly visible with a white background.  

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