Friday 17 December 2010

Ancillary 1


Now that I am at the planning stage of my poster I will write down an organised plan preparing myself for everything that I will do to make sure that the production stage of my poster is a success. In my planning I will contain what I will do for each part of my poster. This includes the image, colour scheme that I will use and the text I will put onto my poster. To create my poster I will use publisher which is a great software enabling me to piece together each aspect of my poster. Publisher allows you to preview your poster so that if I am unsatisfied with the final result I can simply make the changes accordingly. Below is 7 layout plans of my possible ancillary poster, the first 3 are very basic designs and the other 4 are in more detail:


The first 3 designs are very basic layouts so that I could see how things layedout. From that I created another 4 expanding in detail of what will be featured and where things will be placed on the poster. These designs have given me a rough idea of what I will want my final poster to be like. I have briefly covered the main aspects in which the poster will need in order to attract my audience and the promotion of my film. 

My second analysis will be off the colour schemes which I want to include on my poster. Choosing the correct colour scheme for a poster is vital in correctly portraying the genre of my film. Colour represents a lot of things such as the genre, mood and its purpose, for example having black and white dominating a poster, it can deter the attention off the colour and its image/fonts etc. However if you introduced the colour red to your poster which I have done for mine then the attraction will be greater, making the image and its text more powerful and appealing to the viewers. From the research into posters we found that the colours black, white and red are very popular colours for these types of posters as they combine really well together giving it an effective combination.

The main image is another aspect that I want to show great care in choosing. Personally I believe that this is the most important as a picture says more than words. For the majority its the thing they remember most and is how posters draw the attention of its viewers. Below are a few examples of images which I thought I could use for my poster:  

Both of these images give the viewer a lot to think about. Both images are very revealing and intriguing, the first image is of a dead child's hand and arm which is very powerful. The second if of two policeman escorting a man this could suggest drama.

However when it comes to the making of my ancillary 1, I will take a variety of photos so that when it comes to choosing the image(s) for both ancillaries I will have plenty to choose from, picking the best ones. As I said previously the colour black always shows things more clearly, therefore drawing attention to the rest of the poster. The colour black suits our film genre really well and depending on the image used it could make the poster look very appealing and unique. The group and myself will make sure that each photo is relevant to our film and its genre but so that the image has purpose and interesting. If getting each aspect correct then the poster will not only appeal to its target audience but it will also make people want to go and see the film. 

As my poster will have various styles of text I want it to be unique and give it that professional finish to it. So I therefore used the website This website enables people to chose from a wide range of fantastic fonts and styles, the website is straight forward and simple to use with a step by step guide to the different texts and fonts using the various categories on offer. This website will certainly be a benefit to me when the final ancillary 1 is complete.

Final Poster


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