Thursday 2 December 2010

Planning: Script

The Rising Sun

Written By
Michael Birkett

Produced and Directed by
Lewis Carr, Michael Birkett
and Jonathan Brookes

1. Ext. Woods – Night/Dusk
The audience immediately find themselves in the shoes of a girl is being chased, she is in her 20s and has blonde hair, She looks back her impulses tell her she is not alone frantically trying to escape the woods, she panics and trips, she now feels trapped and threatened as she has hurt herself.
Then the audience find themselves in the shoes of a heavily breathing man is trailing behind her he sees her on the ground and rushes up to her
SUDDENLY the girl screams, her hand lands on the floor to signify the end of her struggle, the girl is dead. The man walks away whistling a tune.
2. Ext. Woods – Early Morning
The two detectives arrive at the scene of the crime and see the dead girl. They both look at each other with a sense of anger. Detective inspector Barton gets frustrated; he is inexperienced to these types of investigations.

PC Tom Mclaughlin

Morning officers

DCI Barton


DCI Mullen

Whats the situation?

PC Tom Mclaughlin

There's been a young girl murdered in the woods.


We have came to the conclusion that she was murdered at 6AM this morning.

DI Barton

She is Michelle Abbot, she's 22 and from the local area.

DCI Mullen

Ok I want a full investigation!
Cut to a series of newspaper front covers about the case, the final cover tells the audience that a man is in custody but is he the real killer...

3. Int. Interview – Day


Can I go yet?!

DI Barton

No, we have evidence that puts you at the crime scene.

John Conor

Bullshit! It wasn't even there.

DI Barton

(Stands up)

(Slams hands on the desk)
We have witnesses which put you at the crime scene early hours of the morning in question.

DCI Mullen

Ok detective that's enough. So why do you think we have brought you here?

John Conor

Your accusing me of a murder I haven't even fucking committed!!!

DCI Mullen

We've been conductiong this investigation for 5 weeks now and it would be in our best interest if yo ujust admitted the truth.

John Conor

It wasnt fucking me!

DI Barton knocks at the door.

DI Barton

Sir, you better come take a look at this.

DCI Mullen and DI Barton go leave this suspect in the room to go find out the news

DCI Mullen

Whats up?

We have looked into the suspects
details and this guy seems the
have a water-tight aliby.

Let him go.
DI Barton
Fuck sake!
DCI Mullen
Ok, thankyou

4. Ext. Police station – Day

The suspect leaves the station with the two detectives in rear sight of him.

I hope to god we havent just
let the real killer go

Me too detective, me too

The killer walks away with a smirk on his face, and begins to whistle a tune.


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