Tuesday 14 December 2010

Poster Research

Poster Research

Before I started planning my poster I looked at 3 posters from existing films similar to my movie. Posters are a big part of advertising in the film industry as they are one of the main attractions for audiences. Posters must appeal in some way to attract audiences, whether it be the images, colours or fonts used. I have looked at a variety of posters, all of which are unique in their own way. These three posters are from various timescales and each one has its appeal factor which attracts its audiences. The three posters which I chose were "Lethal Weapon" being the oldest, "The Hurricane" and "American Gangster" which is the latest. By analysing these posters I can understand what conventions make there poster so appealing. 

The Lethal Weapon poster is very unique but simple and effective as the image is black, white and grey. The image is more effective now than it would be with colour. However as the image takes up the whole poster, it makes it eye-catching for audiences. The image is very powerful and it emphasises what the movie may possibly have in store with the gun. The poster is off the two main characters, the image looks very professional and serious with both characters posing as though they are looking back at you as you look at the poster. 

With the colour of the image being rather dull and colourless, it means that the film title/text doesn't need to be big and bold. The film title isn't the biggest but the colour red really stands out along with the white text which again isn't a significant size but the colours contrast well with one another and the background image. The text overlaps the image allowing viewers so see clearly what the film is about. The rest of the poster contains regular conventions of any film poster such as names of characters, director, producers, release date, companies who helped produce the film.

 The Hurricane Poster - Click to View Extra Large Image  

The Hurricane is very different from Lethal Weapon however both posters are very simple to create but extremely effective and eye-catching. The layout is very unique but interesting for viewers, it looks very smart, tidy and professional.

With the black background on the left, it means that the white and red text contrasts extremely well and is clearly visible to viewers. The movie title isn't very big or bold but it doesn't need to with the white colour set on a black background.

The image of Denzel Washington portrays a frustrated but determined character which gives us an insight to what may be included in the film. The image and cover line also gives off a feeling that the film will be based around inspirational characters. The cover line (HIS GREATEST FIGHT WAS FOR JUSTICE)acts as a teaser for people to read, this will then make the viewers think about what the film is about.

And finally the rest of the poster contains regular conventions of any film poster such as names of characters, director, producers, release date, companies who helped produce the film.

The American Gangster poster is very similar to the Lethal Weapon poster as again the preferred colours are black, red and white. Black and white allow a contrast between the background to the image and text. This immediately makes them stand out attracting viewers attention. The colours can also be portrayed as being colours of blood, danger and unhappiness which fits the films genre. This therefore works really well on a black and white based poster.  

The image is taken from a low angle using a medium close up of the main characters. The image portrays the characters by using colours. For example the colour black is used for Denzel Washington in a suit and a white suit for Russel Crowe, this could explain the roles of the characters in this film. The image makes it clear that movie will be action packed with Denzel Washington holding a gun which will appeal to its target audience. The image contrasts well with the plain background.          

The text colour and size is once again very similar to The Hurricane and Lethal Weapon posters. 

Unlike The Hurricane and Lethal Weapon, American Gangster only includes the names of the characters in the film.

Poster Research Conclusion

From analysing these posters I have found out what types of things attract the right audience. There are 3 main parts to each poster which will need to be planned before I go on to start producing my poster. I will take great care in analysing what image I will choose to use, what colours I will use on my poster and how the text/font will represent my film name. These conventions can be used and produced in different ways to represent different things and appeal in different ways to the target audience that I have researched. For my own poster I will have a plain black background, carefully selecting my image, font and colours. By having a plain black background it enables the image to stand out more. I will also make sure that the font for my title will really stand out and will be suitable for the theme and genre of the film.

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