Friday 17 December 2010


1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When starting to look at different film genres in preparation for starting our group piece, we looked at the various film genre's and the conventions of each of those genres. However after much thought we came to the conclusion that we would look into crime dramas in more detail. Realising that this was probably what we would want to choose for our own genre. Our film genre shares many common conventions such as a dark environment often with a murderer and victim. Some of the common themes of our genre are death, victims, as well as the conventions of the production such as music, editing or creating a story which itself creates and puzzles the audience leaving them guessing throughout the movie.  

We generally fit to these conventions of a crime drama/thriller by having the classic characters who regularly feature in such films, these are a victim girl and a nasty murderer, as well as using enigmas, by not revealing the murderer. Throughout the analysing process I learned new information such as the props, costumes, lighting and mise en scene which is used for my chosen film genre. We found that special detectives such as DI's and DCI's wear suits to portray their job role which gives them a professional look. We have tried to create a film which uses various conventions and techniques from previous to current crime dramas so that it challenges the conventions of real media products. 

However to be more creative we didn’t totally stick to conventions, for example, we used a modern but still twisted storyline. We also used a modern piece of music which sounded chilling and scary to continue our particular theme. We stuck to most of the old forms and conventions of horror including modern twists to it. 

In conclusion I believe that our final product is very good and unique. It has represented its genre extremely well and we have stuck to the various conventions and I have no doubt that it will be challenging other real media products.

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Before beginning any of my ancillary tasks I made it clear to myself that I wanted to create my two ancillaries around my main product, showing an organised approach. 

The ancillaries are extremely important as this portrays what the film may be about, preparing the viewers. I made sure that I used the same colours schemes for both ancillaries. However for the text and font I wanted to vary but so that it still suited my film genre.   

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

For us to find out who our target audience would be we decided to create a questionnaire using Microsoft Word. From the results we were able to create our main product and ancillaries and now that the final product is completed we recieved positive feedback and positive comments from our target audience and peers. I also asked them to compare our short film to other real media products as this would allow us to see how good our products really were.

Overall I have gained a vast amount of knowledge from this process and have learned that good preperation leads to a finished product which most importantly appeals to your target audience. Many people were interested in the amount of time it took to create our film and the making of our ancillaries. You can see how we have used previous feedback and use it to our advantage to create three pieces of work with the target audience in mind. 

In conclusion the feedback given from our questionnaire was very positive and from there we have worked to replicate the thoughts of our target audience. The group and myself both know that we have improvements to make, however the deadlines made it difficult to go back and change things as there was plenty of other tasks which require your full attention.  

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

New media technologies were vital for the construction, research and planning of our film. The Internet in particular was fundamental to our research and planning as it enabled us to use sites such as google, youtube to help me research magazine covers, film trailers and review pages. This has helped obtain ideas from other films trailers of the same genre The Rising Sun.

The Internet also allowed us to record the planning, research and construction of our short film on a blog The blog would include everything throughout the coursework, from the planning and preparation of our ideas + thoughts to the ancillaries, final product and so on. For the making of both ancillaries I used Microsoft Publisher using paint and fireworks to help edit my photos and text. For the remainding we used Microsoft Word. I used a website called which enables people to chose from a wide range of fantastic fonts and styles.

To construct our short film we used a video camera and tripod to record the visuals, we also took location shots on a digital camera during the filming. We edited our short film using a Mac mini. We transferred all our footage onto the computer and selected the clips we would use for both our final film and scenes which we could use as outtakes. The Mac Mini using Imovie allows you to synchronise your short film to how you want it with a selection of extra features such as the option of addding music/subtitles etc to give it that professional look.


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