Thursday 2 December 2010

Research: Location

For our muder scene we chose The Rising Sun at Benton. Originally this wasn’t our first choice of location as we wanted to use a corn field, however with the seasons changing sooner than expected we had to rethink of another location. The Rising Sun is the perfect location for a murder scene, as there are public paths running through clusters of trees and wide open fields. The location is even more ideal as it eliminates the risk of noise pollution affecting our recording. The park offers a wide range of spots, ideal for filming a crime scene.

As for our interviewing and questioning of our suspect, we shall be using the school facilities. We will be using a variety of rooms and locations within the school. However the police interview will take place in the music rooms. The music room is an ideal set up as there is a large mirror, the room is wide allowing us to vary our camera angles without the issue of space.

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