Thursday 2 December 2010

Research: What I am doing

To achieve the best grades possible, it would be essential to make sure we made the correct decision. We all contributed in giving our ideas and thoughts so that we could create an effective, interesting but realistic 5 minute video. To record our ideas, we used a spider diagram and expanded our ideas further.

We picked out two idea's which we thought would lead to a good film, but also to fullfil our potential and gain the best grades. Below is our two ideas and reasons to why we chose them:

  1. A police interview scene - By having a police interview scene it would result in the whole group having separate roles. For example each person would need to participate in both the acting and filming. The most appealing of all when we came up with the idea was that firstly we can use various sources (crime dramas, such as The Bill, White Chapel) to learn various camera angles, acting techniques, props etc. Secondly the school would offer ideal locations, such as the music room, which is ideal for a police interview scene. And thirdly the movie would be inexpensive to make and only required our time and effort.
  2. An alcoholic Dad bar scene - This is another great idea but there were many disadvantages. For example trying to organise using a bar to film in would require authorisation from a landlord which would be a great struggle. It would also require a lot of preparation, time and patience. There would need to be more cast than just the group to make it more realistic.   
Once we had chose our two possible movie clips we then began to expand our ideas by writing down and describing our ideas for what props would be required for either movie, such as camera angles/shots, editing and sound. This was a straight forward task as we have had passed experience of this process from our previous year. Below is a copy of my ideas:

After reviewing our ideas and taking all considerations into account, (such as the advantages and disadvantages from both movie ideas) we reached the decision that the police interview scene would be a wise move. This is because we had the facilities at our disposal for both the police interview and the murder scene. As I said before this idea allows all those in our group to participate fairly and evenly. I also feel that is more suited to us as a group, which will enable us to work more effectively and more constructively. But by combining our ideas and thoughts together we can create an interview scene of our own but use other sources to help guide us and benefit us.

To keep a record of our progress thoughout our coursework we wrote down a list of deadlines and what would be required for each deadline. This allows us to have greater organisation and understanding of were we are with our coursework in realtion to the deadlines. Below is a copy of our deadline sheet:

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