Tuesday 28 September 2010

Reserach: Target Audience

For my audience research I created a questionnaire so that I could receive as much knowledge as possible. I carefully picked out my target age group so that the results from the questionnaire would be accurate to my initial ideas for the film. This would make it much easier to adjust to my findings from the questionnaires. For example, what they would like our short film and poster to be like.  The group and I came up with a bunch of and chose the most relevant ones. Once we had chose our questions we put them together and printed them off.

Our questionnaire consists of film type questions such as their interests and opinions. It was important to carefully select questions which would give me both accurate and sufficient feedback.

Here are the questionnaires which I created, the questions chosen took a great deal of time to chose so that they would be relevant to what is needed to create a successful film.

Our questionnaire was a basic questionnaire with simple questions to see what peoples likes and dislikes were. We asked our target audience to express their feelings so that when it came to the main production we could relate to our results from the questionnaire so that we could produce a poster/film with the best interest for our target audience.

Here are the results of my questionnaire:

1. The results of our questionnaire showed me that the audience all liked the idea of a film, but at the same time they all linked different types of films depending on their gender, females chose comedy, romance and horror, males on the other hand preferred crime, comedy and action.

2. When I asked what age group I should aim for, I received mixed reviews, many said 18+ and others said 12+. I therefore chose 15+ falling in between both age groups using the results and my research to help me decide that this was a suitable age for my type of film. 

3. After deciding which age would be best suitable for this type of film I asked questions on what should be included in our poster to make it unique from others. The results were very positive, many of the answers were to make it eye-catching using powerful image or images, big, bold fonts and contrasting colours to make it stand out. Having effective conventions, its unique but so that it accurately reflects our chose genre. As I began making my ancillary 1 and 2, I kept referring back to the results from the questionnaire.

4. I asked the audience on what sort of images they would like to see on the poster/magazine, however the feedback varied as some people said they would have just liked to have seen a variety of small images. But I felt that using a big and powerful image which dominates the poster would achieve more potential and would be more attractive and appealing to viewers. Many of the responses suggested using photos of the characters/actors/actresses.

5. I then went on to ask what colours the audience would expect to see on the poster/magazine of a crime drama and the majority of people agreed that it would be more suited to use dark, chilling colours would best portray the film. Seeing that our film is based around a brutal murder, I will use a black background and use colours such as red and white which contrast really well together making the poster/magazine unique, relevant and appealing to our viewers.    

6. I also asked what kind of fonts they would think would best fit our poster taking into account our film genre. Nearly everyone agreed that using, big and bold fonts would best suit our movie genre. Many people suggested the website Dafont.com as they have a wide range of powerful texts which could be used for my film title.  

7. The questionnaire results suggested that the film poster should appeal to all audiences as this will attract more people to watch the film and not just that of the particular genre.

8. Using this information I asked what kind of slogans should be used, our answers were as follows:

Sinister ones, catchy ones, rhetorical questions and teaser slogans. From the results I have came to the conclusion that the audience believes that my slogan should be of my own so that it is unique but relevant to my film. 

9. I then moved onto the subject of what kind of tempo our music should be. Nearly everyone replied saying low beat to try and draw emphasis on the story line which I strongly agree with as this would make our film reflect the genre and attract the audience for the duration of the film. 

10. Using the tempo setting which the audience have given us, I asked them what type of music I should use taking into account all of the answers previous. They all again agreed that the best way to do this would be instrumental and computer generated music as it has a positive effect on the audience.     

11. I finally asked out of interest what the audience would like to see in a short crime film, they all had similar answers but the two that stood out to me were murder and police brutality and I would keep these in mind whilst creating my film and ancillary tasks.


This process of creating a questionnaire has certainly benefited the group and we will use the feedback to our advantage to create the best film and ancillaries as possible.

From the results of my questionnaire the group and myself came to the agreement that our target audience was suitable for our film. From the results we found that the majority of males preferred crime films and we thought it would be wise to create our film and ancillary tasks around a male perspective rather than female.
During the questionnaire we made sure that we would find an age group which would suit our film as violence and swearing would be included. In the end we decided that 15+ would best suit our film. From the other results of the questionnaire we received significant amounts of feedback on what to include for our film and ancillary tasks.    

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