Friday 24 September 2010

Research into Genre

For the research I will be completing a series of tasks so that I can create the best short film possible.

My first task will be to research genres however I must discuss our storyline for our film with the group. I wanted to gain as much knowledge as possible so that the group would have a good undertsanding of the different genres.

Action: For an action movie to be successful it needs to have its audience on the edge of their seats. Action doesn't have to run from start to finish, but when the action is there, make sure the audience are on the edge of their seats! As there are so many aspects to consider in a action movie it is vital that everything is perfect, anything but perfect can be a disaster. Below is a few examples of what is required for an action movie: 

  • when we dont care about or like the hero, all the action in the world cant save the movie. 
  • Almost every good action film has a strong villain.
  • Like the hero, the audience must also have a connection with the villain.
  • An action movie is not an action movie unless it has some big shiny objects in the form of car chases, gunfights and explosions.
Action films have had wide commercial appeal and enjoy box office success.

Adventure: Adventure films typically require characters to solve puzzles, and aviod traps while journeying to a treasure like destination. Adventure films generally take place outside, in the wilderness. Adventure films get the audiences more involved.

Comedy: Comedy is a genre of film in which the main emphasis is on humour. Also, films in this style typically have a happy ending. Comedy unlike other film genres, puts much more focus on individual stars. While many comic films are lighthearted stories with no intent other than to amuse, others contain political or social commentary. As there are so many aspects to consider in a comedy movie it is vital that the humour
comes across as often as possible. 

Crime and gangster: This genre is usually developed around sinister actions of criminals and mobsters. The story is usually focused and based around the lives of criminals operating outside the law, stealing and murdering. They usually consist of family honour and family rivals with an italian theme.

Drama: Drama is a film genre which depends mostly on the depth and development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes. Drug addiction, poverty, relationships, crime and corruption put the characters in conflict with themselves and others.This film genre can be contrasted with an action film which relies on fast paced action and physical conflict. All film genres can include dramatic elements, but typically, films considered drama films focus mainly on the drama of the main issue.

Horror:  Horror films are unsettling movies that strive to elicit the emotions of fear, disgust and horror for viewers. They usually feature frequent jump scenes that make the viewers jump and startled putting the viewers on edge.

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